Sls Lux

801 South Miami Avenue , Miami, FL 33130

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About this property

Resort fee 34.00 USD per room per night State tax 7.00 % per room per night

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Popular amenities

  • Copier

  • Meeting facilities

  • 24-hour front desk

  • ATM/Cash machine

  • Baby sitting

  • Elevators

  • Indoor parking

  • Massage services

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About this property

Sls Lux
801 South Miami Avenue , Miami, FL 33130

Resort fee 34.00 USD per room per night State tax 7.00 % per room per night


Hotel Services
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Baby sitting
  • Indoor parking
  • Outdoor pool
  • Sauna
  • Children welcome
  • Valet parking
  • Bell staff/porter
  • 120 AC
  • Wireless internet connection in public areas
  • ATM/Cash machine
  • Elevators
  • Massage services
  • Parking
  • Disco
  • Concierge desk
  • Multilingual staff
  • Beauty shop/salon
  • Lounges/bars


Accessibility Facilities
  • Complies with Local/State/Federal laws for disabled
  • Telephone for hearing impaired
  • Public areas wheelchair accessible for disabled

Meeting Facilities

Business Amenities
  • Copier
  • Meeting facilities

Address: 801 South Miami Avenue , Miami, FL 33130
0 night 0
Service fee 0
Additional Guest Fee 0
Security Fee 0
Cleaning Fee 0
I.V.A Tax 0
Accommodation Tax 0
Discount 0
Total 0

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